We've all heard people talk about how "The Power of One" inspires and brings about change. Tom Hanks is one person who has changed things for so many of us who've been watching him over the years. He's reached right into our souls and single-handedly unleashed emotions in us which always seem to connect us to each other, human to human, heart to heart. Through the characters he's played, both fictitious and true, Tom (I feel like we can all call him Tom!) has put a face on the humanness of us all: vulnerability, fear, discrimination, courage, innocence, loss, love, and heroism. Not to mention he makes us laugh out loud!
But most recently it's been his personal character that has inspired many of us by showing true leadership in handling the pandemic sweeping the world. We trust Tim Hanks, we respect him and we follow his lead. He believes the power of one leads to Human Connection, and he knows Human Connection helps us move forward and make history.
It does take one person and one idea to start something big, but it takes a whole lot more people to start a movement and make a difference not only in one life but in thousands of lives. There is power in each of us, yes, but when we invite the human connection in, a tremendous force is ignited. The Power of One begins the journey, but "The Power of One – Another," is the real secret to success.
