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A Personal Story - My TEDx and the Human Connection

This is Friday, a Forum for the Human Connection    I'm a story sharer. So, you can imagine my excitement when I was asked - in January - to be part of the TEDxScarsdale presentation slated to be LIVE this past March!  And you can imagine my utter and complete despair when we - and everything LIVE - were "postponed."  Elation came again a few weeks ago when we were given the go-ahead from TED to move forward with our presentation in a virtual, Live Stream set for August 30th, 5:00 pm ET!   I think stories are the best way of getting to know people. And face-to-face is my #1 preferred way of sharing, communicating, and learning. Audiences of one or 1,000 bring excitement and partnership to the person talking and sharing. There's immediate feedback in many forms - laughter, tears, cheers, applause, and that all-important profound feeling of Human Connection I love so much. Even if it's not the speaker's best presentation, there's still a camaraderie with the audience, rallying for the person on stage who is vulnerable, alone, and probably frightened out of her skin.  I was looking forward to that!  So, I'll translate my talk from in-person to a virtual one - speaking into a camera, alone, with my husband off to the side as my sole cheerleader.  I've been watching virtual TEDX talks and so many people are so good!  I'm learning. I'll give it everything I've got. It will look and feel different to me and to you so I'll just have to count on that powerful and invisible Human Connection to bridge the gap between me, in front of a camera, and all you other Humans somewhere out there!

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