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Oprah supports so many of us looking for The Human Connection in her O Mag article this month...

Oprah supports so many of us looking for The Human Connection in her O Mag article this month, "A Cure for Loneliness?"...

“We’re living in bubbles, going online to stream entertainment, buy books, order dinner. It’s nice to sit opposite somebody in a restaurant. It’s nice to take your kid to a movie. It’s nice to go with a friend to a bookstore. These things are part of the joy of human community," says Sherry Turkle, PhD.

Timothy P. Carney, author of "Alienated America: Why Some Places Thrive While Others Collapse," writes,

“Rotary clubs, churches, and civic organizations allow us to be part of something, but Americans don’t join as much as they used to. A community offers peace of mind, because we know others will be there to help. Having people rely on us gives us purpose. Life can’t be fulfilling unless we feel needed."

A financial planner recently told me, "After a 12-year hiatus to raise my kids, I returned to work to find that nobody really talks to anybody in the office now - so much has changed. So now I spend more time meeting with people out of the office - and it's so much more fun!"

I'll love to share your story of how The Human Connection is making a difference in your life.

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