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This is Founder Friday, a Forum for The Human Connection.

"Grace and Frankie is at its best when the mish–mashed families are together. It is human connection and interaction that keeps the show so alive and so human."

This is Founder Friday, a Forum for The Human Connection.

Human connection is an energy exchange between people who are paying attention to one another. It has the power to deepen the moment, inspire change and build trust.

I wish I had come up with that perfect and simple description but it was written by Donna Pisacano Brown who wrote an article for the called "The Power of Human Connection." 

And it is simple, really. Forging a human connection doesn't have to begin with a dramatic life change like the story of Grace & Frankie, (though it is a great premise!) it can happen simply - by inviting someone to share a meal.

"My way is one on one breakfast meetings. I try to do one a month, twice if possible," Anne Akers, founder GLOW, Beauty Health & Wellness magazine.

That's all it takes - and I'll bet Anne knows a lot about what makes us feel and look good  - so invite someone to your table!

How are you inviting the Human Connection into your life?

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