This is Friday, a forum for the human connection…and the start of what will continue in this space as the Purpose Project. We all have a heart voice that whispers to us, nudges us to find our true purpose. Most of us ignore it. Today, I’m asking you not to ignore it any longer. In fact, ask it to speak up!
This year we’ve been forced to make major changes, take a hard look at our careers and lives, and as a result, we’re thinking more about our true dreams and goals. Here on Fridays I’ll share tips, simple steps and key lessons I’ve learned to help you pursue your purpose in 2021.
The truest thing I’ve learned in 20 years is: It’s not the power of one that changes things…it’s the power of one-ANOTHER that moves mountains and moves people. Thousands of you were there for me and together we moved my Pajama Program dream into a reality.
Now it’s your turn -
Do you want a career with more meaning and satisfaction? Are you looking to be a better leader?
Would doing more of what makes you happy…make you happier?
Let’s move YOUR Purpose Project dream into reality together. Email your specific questions to me at Gen@GenevievePiturro.com and I promise to help you find your purpose – or as I like to say, find your pajamas!