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Finding the Human Connection at Work - in our Hands

This is Friday, a Forum for the Human Connection

In the past 20 years, I have seen extraordinary things happen when people meet face-to-face. That’s because it’s here we begin to connect heart to heart. The human connection has inexplicable power. It can be profound and transforming, and it always evokes respect. It is in these moments when we lead with meaning, that we move mountains, and more significantly, it’s when we move people.

Now, after months of surviving without much of the Human Connection we've spent our lives enjoying - and taking for granted - we are learning how to personalize the power of technology to move us. We have our devices handy and while they'll never replace the feeling of human touch, we can embrace them until we can, once again, physically hug those we've been missing.

And as far as work goes, The New Economy breaks it down for us here...

"We all know things aren’t ‘business as usual’ right now. As we examine how to continue operating as smoothly as possible, there are three basic things to consider: the work, the workforce, and the workplace."

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